Google chrome os macbook. To create a new file, run the Linux terminal and type command cat, followed by the redirection operator and the name of the file you want to create. Press Enter Type the text, and once you are done, press the CRTL+D to save the files This is the shortest command to create a new file in Linux. You can't use a terminal to create a file. You can use an application running in a terminal. Just invoke any non-GUI editor (emacs -nw, joe, nano, vi, vim, ).If you meant using the command line, then you are asking how to create a file using the shell.
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I am trying to make an older software to work on yosemite, and I found a tutorial how to solve it, but i don't exactry understand the programing language. It sounds like chinese for me. Can you please help me creating this plist?
This isn't a programming language, it is a text file with XML structure to describe how a job is run, in this case it is trying to launch a kext (kernel extension).
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Avitools 3 6 0 download free. If you cannot handle using vim to edit the document as described by Wayne Costello then you can consider using a GUI app… Or use 'sudo nano /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.esp.avidMNload.plist' to use the 'nano' text editor which may be easier to use…
Whatever you decide, backup first. A 'kext' is a system wide tool, as such it can cause instability if it is not compatible & may cause your Mac to fail to boot correctly etc. You should be able to remove this file from recovery mode using Terminal if it all goes horribly wrong but a backup is essential.
Jan 6, 2017 3:53 AM